GBF Series Ventless Fryers, Electric

Proven Ventless Technology
Offers Menu Versatility
On-Board Oil Filtration & Fire Protection
KitchenTrac® Remote Monitoring Available
Multi-purpose, electric Ventless Fryer with plenty of power, ideal for cooking a variety of menu favorites quickly and easily. Rapid temperature recovery can effectively shorten cooking cycles enabling it to handle demanding sales periods with ease. Maximize profit with minimum effort and expense. Not in every situation, but the ventless technology integrated into this equipment may offer opportunities for low volume fried food sales in non-traditional sites where conventional ventilation hoods are not an option for you, for whatever reason.
14” square vat with plenty of cooking power … 18 or 10 kW.models.
Oil capacity: 50 lbs (22.7 kg) liquid shortening.
Product capacity: 5 lbs (2.3 kg) french fries, or 12 lbs (5.4 kg) cut chicken (reference only).
Deep “cool zone” helps prevent carbonization of crumbs to extend oil life.
Rapid temperature recovery, even with frozen products.
Computer Controller provides precise fryer control and monitoring. Features dual timer, programmable pre-sets for up to 50 menu items, Auto-Cool energy-saver idle feature, Force-Filter control, Boil-Out program, Low Oil safety interlock, password security option, and multiple language.
Self-contained Ansul® R102 Fire Suppression System; factory-installed except for fusible detector links, liquid suppressant chemical and firing cartridge. Customer provided final field set-up, charging and commissioning is required and must be performed by an authorized Ansul® Distributor/Dealer … not included with purchase.
Proven multi-stage air cleaning with odor control … recirculating airflow, no venting to outside typically required.
Convenient on-board oil filtration system with a powerful ½ hp pump for quick and efficient oil filtering. Sustainable stainless steel filter screen … eliminates filter paper, helping reduce total cost of operation.
5” casters provide easy portability. Front casters w/locking brakes. Wide-stance cabinet design improves stability.