EOF-20 Series
Square Vat Single Fryers

Square Vat Banked Fryers

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EOF-20 (Single Unit)
EOF-20/20 or EOF-20/20/20 (Banked Fryer Units)
High Capacity
Menu Versatility
On-Board Oil Filtration
KitchenTrac® Remote Monitoring Available
Multi-purpose open-vat electric fryer, ideal for food service operations that require larger quantities of product to be cooked quickly & efficiently. Plenty of capacity to produce ample quantity of a variety of tempting fried favorites! The computer fryer controller features an intuitive operator interface, making operation super-easy.
Should you need to quickly expand the menu or turn even more loads to support your growing business, the EOF-20 is available as a banked battery of 2 or 3 fryer wells, allowing you to customize a unit for your specific need.
Durable stainless steel construction … 20" square vat.
Available as 2 or 3-wells in a banked battery unit.
Shortening capacity: 115 lbs. (52.2 kg) each vat.
Product capacity: cooks 25 to 30 lbs. (11.3 to 13.6 kg) of cut chicken pieces per load.
Plenty of power, 24 kW per unit.
Rapid temperature recovery helps minimize cooking cycle times ... oil quickly reheats to cooking
temperature after fresh product is loaded; reduces oil saturation.
Computer Controller provides exceptional fryer control & monitoring. Stores up to 50
programmable Menu Item cooking presets, Auto-Cool energy-saving mode, Force-Filter feature, Boil-Out program, password security option & multiple display language selections.
Optional Automatic Basket Lifts ... automatically lowers & raises cooking basket at the beginning & end of the programmed cook time. Helps prevent over-cooked foods.
On-board oil filtration system with powerful 1/2 hp Pump for quick & efficient filtering … a
single central system services all vats in a “banked battery”.
Optional KitchenTrac®Remote Monitoring – WIFI connectivity for remote monitoring of your connected fryers ... provides real-time analytics for equipment performance, operation status, menu sales trends, equipment upkeep & much more.
Heavy-duty casters ... front casters have locking wheel brakes.